Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Blog and an Introduction about Myself.

Ok guys, You are all gonna have to bear with me, first time writting a blog and it's actually pretty nerve racking thinking about the possibility of how many people could actually read this. I'm trying not to over think to much and just write. If any of you have any tips out there that can help me to improve on this I would love to hear them! I'm a married 28 year old mother of two daughters. I like to think of myself as a queen of a lot of trades but master of none, but felt if I started this blog I could help people out and maybe even recieve a little help and understanding myself. I am going to be using this page to write about everyday thoughts, events, accomplishments, undertakings, endeavors, dissapointments, and humorous matters. I will also talk about the struggles i've endured throughout my life like battling with depression, anxiety, abuse, and parental alcoholism. I feel as though it's hard to put myself out there I might be able to help someone so they can feel like they relate to another human being and are not alone in some of their own struggles. For some you that think you know me, you might read this and realize you didn't know that much at all. Until next time guys, I'll leave you with this random question feel free to leave your answers! Why is it that when someone tells you that there’s billions of stars in the universe, you believe them. But if they tell you there’s wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?